Navigatsiya qismiga oʻtish
Qidirish qismiga oʻtish
Teg nomi | Oʻzgarishlar roʻyxatidagi koʻrinishi | Tavsif | Manba | Faolmi? | Tegli oʻzgarishlar |
mw-contentmodelchange | content model change | Edits that change the content model of a page | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
mw-new-redirect | Yangi yoʻnaltirish | Edits that create a new redirect or change a page to a redirect | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
mw-removed-redirect | Removed redirect | Edits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirect | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
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mw-blank | Boʻsh | Edits that blank a page | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
mw-replace | Almashtirildi | Edits that remove more than 90% of the content of a page | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
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mw-undo | Bekor qilish | Edits that undo previous edits using the undo link | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
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mw-server-side-upload | Server-side upload | Media files that were uploaded via a maintenance script | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |
wikieditor | (yashirin) | Tahrirlash WikiEditor (2010 vikimatn muharriri) yordamida amalga oshirildi. | Defined by the software | Ha | 0 ta oʻzgarish |