Ushbu fayl Vikiomborga yuklangan boʻlib, boshqa loyihalarda ham qoʻllanilishi mumkin.
Uning tavsif sahifasidan olingan maʼlumot quyida keltirilgan.
Qisqa izoh
TaʼrifPicture of the first 'wall formula' in the city of Utrecht 01.jpg
English: This is the 8th wall formula in the Netherlands (the first 7 are in Leiden) and was painted by the Dutch artist collective De Strakke Hand. This Utrecht one is very different in style than the Leiden ones and depicts an experiment to test a formula, rather than the formula itself. The Doppler effect is the phenomenon that sounds (or light) changes its frequency to the observer if the source has a non-zero velocity (to or fro) relative to the observer. It is known to everyone who has heard an ambulance pass by. Prof. Buys Ballot tested it using a horn blower on a train in 1845.
The formula in the painting:
f_w = f_b . (v + v_w) / (v - v_b), with
f_w = the frequency f of the sound as measured by the observer w.
f_b = the frequency f of the sound as emitted by the source b.
v_w = the velocity v with which the observer w is moving.
v_b = the velocity v with which the source b is moving projected on the same direction.
Nederlands: Illustratie van de demonstratie van het Doppler effect door Buys Ballot in 1845. Op een trein die reed over de spoorlijn tussen Utrecht en Maarssen zette Buys Ballot koperblazers. Waarnemers langs de spoorlijn noteerden het verschil in toonhoogte tijdens het passeren van de trein. Deze gevelschildering brengt dit in beeld en is in 2019 aangebracht aan de Burgemeester Reigerstraat in Utrecht. De schildering is gemaakt door kunstenaarscollectief De Strakke Hand.
de formule in de muurschildering:
f_w = f_b . (v + v_w) / (v - v_b), met
f_w = de frekwentie f van het geluid zoals de waarnemer w die waarneemt.
f_b = de frekwentie f van het geluid zoals de bron b, de koperblazers, die uitzenden.
v_w = de snelheid v waarmee de waarnemer w beweegt.
v_b = de snelheid v waarmee de bron b, de koperblazers, bewegen geprojecteerd langs dezelfde richting.
ulashishga – ishlanmani nusxalash, tarqatish va uzatish
remiks qilishga – ishni moslashtirishga
Quyidagi shartlar asosida:
atribut – Siz tegishli litsenziyaga havolani taqdim etishingiz va oʻzgartirishlar kiritilganligini koʻrsatishingiz kerak. Siz buni har qanday oqilona yoʻl bilan qilishingiz mumkin, lekin litsenziar Sizni yoki Sizning foydalanishingizni ma'qullashini taklif qiladigan tarzda emas.
bir xil ulashish – Agar Siz materialni remiks qilsangiz, oʻzgartirsangiz yoki unga asoslansangiz, oʻz hissalaringizni asl nusxadagi kabi bir xil yoki mos litsenziya ostida tarqatishingiz kerak.